Some accidents and system failures will only impact a small geographical area whereas others could impact the whole of the UK.
Hampshire and Isle of Wight have 39 risks listed under accidents and system failures with all 8 being rated as very high:
Hampshire and Isle of Wight has several sites of key importance at which should an incident occur, would require a rapid, coordinated response along with a coordinated clean-up operation to ensure damage to the environment, wildlife and economy is minimised.
Hampshire and Isle of Wight is also at risk to incidents affecting national infrastructure such as national power outages and loss to gas supply infrastructure. Many parts of infrastructure are dependent on each other such as electricity powering water pumping stations, and telecoms and electricity are required to allow cash machines and cash registers to function correctly. In the event of a major utility supply emergency, both industry and government will have significant roles to play in managing the incident and its consequences.
Assessing these risks and working with sites and utility providers, we are able to plan and test arrangements to ensure should and incident occur we are able to respond effectively minimising the potential impacts.
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