Background information

Natural gas is a crucial fuel source that is used to heat homes and businesses, generate electricity, or act as a feedstock for industrial processes across the UK. Though unlikely, a failure of gas supply infrastructure may result from a technical issue or accident, with serious impacts on human welfare, essential services, and the economy.

The UK has a diverse and highly resilient gas network. The industry works to continuously minimise the risk of unplanned disruption while taking the risk of such outages into account in forward planning.

In this risk domestic gas supply would unlikely be impacted, but as gas supply provides resilience to the electricity system there could be impacts to electricity.

Local Risk Rating

Very high

What does the Local Resilience Forum do to prepare?

In Hampshire and Isle of Wight we work with Southern Gas Networks (SGN) to better understand the risk and what arrangements they have in place to prepare and respond to a failure of the gas supply. SGN have well established plans and procedures to respond to incidents across Hampshire and Isle of Wight. Incidents can vary from management to local incidents and responding to larger scale or national incidents.

In the event of a major gas supply disruption emergency, both industry and the government roles to play in managing the incident and its consequences. SGN would be responsible for the practical and operational management of the incident within Hampshire and Isle of Wight. As a partnership we have well tested arrangements that would be implemented in the event of a gas disruption and help mitigate the consequences.

We are also aware that those who are likely to be impacted for the longest duration will be those living in rural areas and take this into consideration when planning.

A Red Tractor Driving Down A Snow Covered Road

Associated Risks

  • Low Temperature
  • Disruption of Russian gas supplies to Europe

How can you prepare?

Before a gas disruption


Know where the cut off points are for utilities in your home


if you or someone in your home is over the age of 60, has a child under the age of 5, relies on electricity for medical reasons, or may need extra support in a power cut register for priority services.

first aid icon

Keep and emergency kit in your home containing items such as a wind-up torch, battery, or wind-up radio, supplies of food and drinking water.


Make keeping your car fuel level above half a tank part of your regular pattern of refuelling.


Identify any neighbours who might be vulnerable.

During a gas disruption

Gas Pipe

It may be necessary to shut off your gas supply at the meter


Check on any vulnerable neighbours.

Fridge Freezer

Reduce the number of times you open your fridge and freezer (items will last longer if you keep doors closed).

radio icon

Listen for key updates broadcasted on BBC radio via a FM radio.