Natural Hazards

Natural hazard risks are those that are most likely to occur because of the natural environment including severe weather (storms, heatwave and cold and snow), flooding and space weather

It is not always possible to stop Natural Hazards from happening. However, it is important to understand the likely impacts and consider what plans can be put in place to protect the public.

Hampshire and Isle of Wight have 13 risks listed under Natural Hazards of which 8 are rated as very high on our Community Risk Register.

  • Storms
  • High Temperatures and heatwaves
  • Low Temperatures and snow
  • Coastal Flooding
  • Fluvial Flooding
  • Ground Water Flooding
  • Poor Air quality
  • Severe Space Weather

Unsurprisingly many of the incidents we respond to are related to natural hazards. It is expected that climate change will mean these types of incidents will occur more frequently with impacts being more severe.

The impact of each of these risks is influenced by the type of incident, with some risks having a knock-on impact to other risks. Some of the common issues include road and travel disruptions, damage and disruption to basic utilities, and damage to property. These have knock-on consequences to individuals, businesses, and the ability for organisations to deliver essential functions to the community. It may take several days for business and services to resume normal supply.