
Deliberate disruption of UK space systems and space-based services may be when international players may choose to disrupt the UK or its allies’ space-based systems or services. The aim of this disruption would be to further economic, political, or military objectives. This disruption could take many forms, including:

  • physical attacks on ground infrastructure or on orbit assets
  • a cyber-attack on support networks
  • insider threats
  • espionage.

There are likely to be immediate and long-term impacts on satellite services, including civil, commercial, industrial and Defence/National Security organisations disrupting services.

Other essential services may be impacted, including disruption to food and water, financial market infrastructure and communications (voice and data services). Therefore it’s important to prepare our households and communities.

Local Risk Rating

Very High

What does the Local Resilience Forum do to prepare?

The preparation for this risk is undertaken at the national level. National Government has Cyber security measures, including counter-jamming technology and interference detection capabilities that could help to protect against an electronic attack.



Associated Risks

  • Total loss of transatlantic telecommunication cables
  • Loss of Positioning Navigation and Timing (PNT) services
  • Disruption of space-based services
  • Failure of the National Electricity Transmission System (NETS)
  • Regional failure of electricity network
  • Sever Space Weather

How can you prepare?

Before disruption to satellite services

first aid icon

Keep an emergency kit in your home containing items such as a wind-up torch, battery or wind-up radio and supplies of tinned food and drinking water.


Sign up to the Priority Services Register (if eligible)


Discuss the risk of a loss of satellite services with people you live with

During disruption to satellite services

radio icon

Stay Informed - tune in to local radio and television stations


Check on any vulnerable neighbours

Helpful links and resources